8 Point Lift

8 Point Lift

The 8 point lift is a specialised and skilled non-surgical technique, which is renowned for natural looking and highly effective rejuvenation results


The revolutionary technique (using Dermal fillers) is a new approach to achieving a non-surgical facelift. It can rival this surgical approach and also offer a number of distinct advantages for the right patient

Dermal fillers are a versatile treatment, which provide a naturally subtle enhancement to replenish lost volume in addition to adding shape and contouring to different facial areas. This product will also reduce and soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and result in a smoother and more youthful appearance.

The technique offers a way of restoring the structure of the face and giving skin the support it requires to look healthy and rejuvenated.

Awards - Profhilo

For many of these points, the main influence is translated elsewhere in the face due to the lifting effect. This allows a superior, sophisticated and natural effect.


The ‘8 point lift’ is adaptable for both female and male patients by subtle adjustment of the 8 injection points to maintain and enhance the femininity and masculinity.

Advantages of the 8 Point Lift V. Surgical Facelift

  • Looks and feels very natural, leaving smoother skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves definition to the jowl/jawline and reduces dark circles beneath the eyes
  • Lifts the structure and dynamics of the face without an unnatural overstretched result, as no skin is removed (as it would be with a surgical face lift)
  • No scarring
  • No need for general anaesthetic, no overnight stay, no bandages or lengthy recovery implications
  • Significantly lower risks than surgical options
  • Significantly lower cost than a surgical face lift
  • Reversible and adjustable procedure
  • No downtime – patients can return straight to work with minimal disruption (compared to at least 7 days expected downtime with a surgical face lift)

Treatment Plan

During your consultation, you will be given detailed information about the procedure, the potential side effects and any pre- and post-treatment advice. You will also have time to decide whether or not, given the information, you would like to proceed with the treatment recommended.

Procedure time (including consultation)

60-90 mins.

On set of results


Risks & Complications

Possible mild injection site swelling & bruising.(Swelling usually subsides in 2 days & bruising disappears after 7 days)




Duration of results

12-18+ months but results vary between patients


From £999

(Price on Consultation)

Results & Recovery time

The 8 Point Lift can last between 12-18 months +  depending on the treatment and the targeted area. A topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the area before treatment begins and the dermal fillers also contain a pre-mixed local anaesthetic, which will prevent any discomfort during the procedure. Recovery time following this treatment is minimal and a relatively swift return to daily activities is possible. However, temporary side effects include minor swelling, redness, bruising and tenderness and can take up to 2 days to resolve in some cases.*


*All of our treatments are bespoke for every individual and results may vary. They require minimal downtime and any potential side effects will be discussed during your consultation. However, the results, downtime and recovery following treatment will vary between patients due to variables including the patient’s metabolism, lifestyle and area of treatment.